Matthew Clifton exhibited with Collective Ending as part of A Land of Incomparable Beauty.
Matthew Clifton, Do Today’s Work Today, 2019 (A Land of Incomparable Beauty)
Matthew Clifton, Flower Part 1 & 2, 2018 (A Land of Incomparable Beauty)
Matthew Clifton makes things that stand between the ley lines of burial grounds and business parks, a distorted folk vernacular that has diligently steam-rollered a hardware shop. “One thing Tudor motif and local authority graphics have in common is that they’re fair game for the Selco treatment. Carpet tiles, gold leaf, System 3 acrylic, emulsion paint, these are bolt-ons. I find culture in car journeys and the shit that people put on their walls. This is a meditation on material egalitarianism. I don’t know why I bother (and I really bother), the act of making and the result are a folly.”
Matthew lives and works in Leeds. He graduated with a BA in Drawing from Camberwell College of Arts in 2015.