India Nielsen exhibited with Collective Ending as part of ABSINTHE §2 & Old Friends, New Friends.
Having come of age alongside the advent of the internet and social media, a forum where time, geography and history are flattened onto one digital plane and a multitude of opinions fight for attention, Nielsen experienced in her formative years the sort of information overload which now, only upon reflective, society is being warned of. The blessing and the curse that at once allows for both invasive levels of intimacy and alarming levels of alienation, enables us to view the world simultaneously from a microscopic and macroscopic perspective. Nielsen’s paintings operate at the glitching intersection of the actual and the virtual, the sculptural and the pictorial, the optical and the lingual, deconstructing what we understand as language – a communicative device rife with potentially confusing complexities of tone, emotion and inflection – and in its place she implements a rich vocabulary of textual and visual footholds within which the precarity that comes with living in the digital era is embraced. Figuration and abstraction collapse into each other to shun both representational and allegorical interpretation, as text, portraiture and landscape are segmented and reduced to purely symbolistic depictions that function as sigils.
India lives and works in London. She graduated with an MA in Painting from Royal College of Art in 2018, having previously completed her BA in Fine Art at The Slade School of Fine Art (2012-2016). Recent exhibitions and projects include: RedivideЯ (Two-Person Exhibition w. Yulia Iosilzon, curated by Hector Campbell) at Platform Southwark (London, 2020), Mutation Station (Group Exhibition) at im labor (Tokyo, 2020), El que busca, encuentra…y sigue encontrando (Group Exhibition, curated by Danny Baez) at White Columns (New York, 2020), Seer Kin Lives (Solo Exhibition) at Jack Bell Gallery (London, 2016).