Spit & Sawdust, London
Co-organized by
Billy Fraser, Charlie Mills & James Capper
List of Artists
Hadas Auerbach, Luca Bosani, Tom Ribot, James Capper, Emma Cousin, Pippa Easton, Jack Evans (guest curated within MARTIN and the Parasite by Georgia Stephenson), Liam Fallon, Elliot Fox, Roxman Gatt, Rosie Gibbens, Andrew Pierre Hart, Melloney Harvey, Norman Hyams, Natalia G Marten, Luzgina McShane, Lindsey Mendick, Amanda Moström, Anna Perach, Jesse Pollock, Yasmin Robsinson, Andrew Sunderland, Felix Treadwell, Gianna T., Xiuching Tsay, Giovanni Vetere, Paul Vivian, Jim Woodall.
Elliot Fox, Nail Salon, 2019
Roxman Gatt, Ride [Broom Broom], 2019
Melloney Harvey, Gobblers, 2019
Jack Evans, Reproduction, Reproduciton, Reproduction (Detail), 2019
Natalia Gonzalez Martin, Healing Hands, 2019, Llorona, 2019 & Why Have You Forsaken Me, 2019 (L-R)
Norman Hymans
Jack Evans, Reproduction, Reproduciton, Reproduction, 2019
Jim Woodall, Not Now Coming Soon, 2019
Giovanni Vetere
Luzgina McShane & Gianna T
Gianna T, Luzgina McShane, James Capper, Giovanni Vetere & Jim Woodall
Rosie Gibbens, SeDUCKtion, 2019
James Capper, TREADPAD B - PAIR 1, 2018
Elliot Fox, Promised Land (OK), 2019
Elliot Fox, Pippa Easton, Norman Hyams & Rosie Gibbens
Jack Evans, Been Here, Seen That, 2019
Gianna T
Anna Perach, The Red House Lord, 2018
Roxman Gatt & Norman Hyams
Jesse Pollock, Reminisce on This, 2019
Yasmin Robinson, The Tyger, 2019
Lindsey Mendick, A Fatal Prettiness, 2018
Felix Treadwell
Andrew Sunderland & Hadas Auerbach
Giovanni Vetere
Luca Bosani & Tom Ribot, UNKNOWN III, 2019
Hadas Auerbach, Knives for eating oysters and bread, 2019
Roxman Gatt, Emma Cousin & Andrew Pierre Hart
Jack Evans & Giovanni Vetere
Anna Perach, The Red House Lord, 2018 (L) & Amanda Moström, Another Feeder, 2019 (R)
Jack Evans, Been Here, Seen That (Detail), 2019
Elliot Fox, Undying Love, 2019
Xiuching Tsay, Love too soon, 2019
Felix Treadwell
Paul Vivian, Untitled (Pentagram), 2019
Roxman Gatt, I Miss ur Dirty Panties, 2019
Natalia Gonzalez Martin, Misericordia, 2019
Absinthe. Curious love of the sordid and the extravagant. Muse of the weird, twisted and eerie. Throughout its short history, absinthe has passed from antiseptic to vermicide, honorary salute to morphological being. It is ghostly and mutinous. It is no surprise that absinthe has long persisted in the underground, from Joyce to Baudelaire, Rimbaud to van Gogh. It was prolific amongst artists and writers of the boulevards of modern Paris: mystic visions of the Moulin Rouge, images that bled from their canvas with an emerald sorcery: hypnotic, aberrant and erotic.
Comprising 3 major exhibitions of emerging artists over the course of 9 months, ABSINTHE is a hybrid, eclectic, and at points inexplicable presentation of the weirder side of London’s emerging art scene. Located at the Spit & Sawdust pub, Bermondsey, each exhibition will present a mandala of artists that cut and splice between mediums and styles; a kaleidoscopic trip into the city’s current alternative art practices.
Art Licks Weekend 2019: ABSINTHE — ‘The Bar Fight’ with Nina Davies, curated by Georgia Stephenson (19.10.2019)
Art Licks Weekend 2019: ABSINTHE — ‘Long Lost’ with Rosie Abbey, curated by Georgia Stephenson (20.10.2019)